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This Agenda is used school-wide from grades K to 7.  In order to be most effective, it needs to be carried to and from home on a daily basis.  An agenda serves as an excellent communication tool for home and school, and reduces the number of notices that need to come home.  This agenda also includes important reference material for students and parents to access, such as school rules and policies and a school calendar for the current school year.

Attendance – Safe Arrival Program

Class attendance is taken every morning and afternoon.  Please call or email the office between 8:00am and 8:30am at 250-428-2363 if your child is away or late.  You may also call or email ( in advance if you anticipate your child being away.  In order for us to ensure the safety of your child, it is imperative that you contact us.

Lunch Time

Eating time 11:54am – 12:09pm, must stay seated, exercise good eating manners, and tidy up before leaving
Playtime -   12:09pm - 12:36pm

School Grounds

Students are not allowed to leave the grounds during school hours without permission from parent/guardian.
Bicycles must be walked to and from the bike rack and must be locked.  Ride carefully and wear a helmet.

Contact games are not allowed. (no tackling, playfighting, rough housing)
Supervision is in effect from 8:00am – 8:35am, during recess, lunch time and during organized activities as well as after school until all students have left.
Be environmentally conscious – don’t litter. Everyone is responsible for playground cleanup. 


Due to arriving and departing busses, parents are asked to drop off and pick up students in the back parking lot.  Please pull forward as far as you can so your child can disembark safely on the grass or sidewalk.  Remember not to block the driveways of the local residents. Students are not allowed in the school before 8:00am as there are no staff available to supervise students before this.


Parents/caregivers are expected to pick up children promptly at 2:30pm.  Students who walk home should not remain in the building or on the grounds as there is no supervision after school.  In the event that a parent/caregiver cannot pick up a child and the school has not received advance notification, please call the office before 11:30am. 


Whenever possible, pack a ‘litterless’ lunch.  Students and staff at Erickson Elementary take pride in a clean environment.  The school provides recycling bins for drink containers.

Lost and Found

Books and other non-clothing items should be turned into the office.  Found clothing should be put into the Lost and Found box in the hallway outside the Library.  Lost and Found articles not claimed will be given to the Gleaners and are taken at various times during the school year, not just at the end of the June.  Please label clothing items, backpacks, etc. with the student’s name.

Fire Drills

Fire drills will be practiced periodically so that everyone in the school will be able to exit the building should an emergency arise.  During a fire drill, students should file out in an orderly manner according to the teacher’s directions.  

Lock Down Drills

Lock down drills will also be practiced periodically.  There may be a time when the students need to remain in their classrooms with the doors locked due to the presence of a dangerous intruder.  At this time, the primary objective is to keep students away from the dangerous person. 

Report Cards

There are three formal reports and two informal reports each year.  Formal report cards are issued in December, March and June, reporting on achievement, work habits and attendance.  Informal interim reports may be written or verbal.  You should have a least one parent/student/teacher conference each year and are encouraged to contact your child’s teacher for an interview at any time.


Newsletters are sent home via email on Thursdays.  If you require a paper version, please let the office know. They contain information on general school news, student and school accomplishments, upcoming school events and community news. 

Student Services

Student support services including Learning Assistance, Early Intervention and Child Care Worker are available at EES.  The district provides scheduled appointments for Kindergarten hearing screening and speech/language assessments.  All other services, including occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech and psycho-educational assessments, are determined by referral of teacher and/or parent.

Aboriginal Education Program

Aboriginal Education support programs are offered for students of Aboriginal ancestry (First Nations, Metis, Inuit). The programs are designed to build success for Aboriginal students by meeting their individual needs for academic support and providing opportunities for them to learn about and celebrate their heritage and culture. No documentation is required to participate in this program.  You simply need to identify your child as having aboriginal heritage on the student information form that comes home in September.  Our Aboriginal Support Worker also provides cultural information for all students

Code of Conduct


Erickson Elementary School promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law – prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation – in respect of discriminatory publication and discrimination in accommodation, service and facility in the school environment.

Conduct Expectations

Acceptable Conduct - students are expected to conduct themselves at school, while going to and from school, and while attending any school function in a manner that is consistent with the following:

  • respect self, others and the school
  • fully participate in all learning activities
  • support classroom learning
  • help make the school a safe, caring, orderly place
  • dress in a manner that is appropriate to the workplace
  • use appropriate language at all times
  • no gum chewing or snowball throwing
  • inform an adult in the building of any incident of bullying, harassment or intimidation

Unacceptable Conduct – the following are examples of conduct which will not be tolerated at any time.  This is a list of examples, and is not an all-inclusive list.

  • any act deemed illegal, including:
    • possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances
    • theft or damage to property
  • any act of bullying, harassment, intimidation, or physical violence
  • retribution against a person who has reported an incident
  • any behavior that interferes with the learning of others

The school will treat seriously behaviour or communication that discriminates based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation (prohibited grounds set out in the BC Human Rights Code). 

The focus of discipline at Erickson Elementary is to help students identify where they went wrong and create a plan for better behaviour in the future.  We work to help students feel safe, respected and in control of their own behaviour.


  • Consequences will be fair, reasonable, consistent and progressive
  • They will be preventative and restorative, rather than punitive (wherever appropriate)
  • They will help to preserve relationships


  • the incident and consequence will be discussed with the student
  • parents will be notified of any serious or chronic breach of conduct
  • School District Officials will be notified as required in District policy
  • Police or other agencies will be notified as required by law
  • All serious incidents will be recorded for future reference

Special considerations may apply to students with special needs, if they are unable to comply with a Code of Conduct due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature.

Rising expectations

As students in our school mature and progress from Kindergarten to Grade 7, there is a rising expectation of personal conduct, behaviour, and leadership.  Students are expected to:

  • Model positive behaviours for their peers and for younger students.
  • Demonstrate appropriate behaviour.
  • Demonstrate better personal restraint and implement conflict resolution skills.
  • Take on leadership roles around the school.

House points and Good Deeds

We actively encourage students to demonstrate positive behaviour choices.  To help motivate students, we have established ‘Good Deed’ cards and house point sheets.  Students are assigned to ‘Houses’ (Wolves, Raptors, Hawks and Bears) when they first attend Erickson School

Morning announcements and assemblies

Students are given an opportunity to show leadership and practice their presentation skills by reading the morning announcements and leading our assemblies. 

Breakfast/Fruit and Veggies/Hot Lunch

We have a free breakfast program each morning for all students hosted by the Creston Valley Rotary volunteers and funded through donations.  About once a month students are offered fresh fruits and vegetables through a BC agricultural program and we also gladly accept donations from the community on a regular basis.  We promote nutritional choices in all food-related activities.